Range Regional Animal Rescue
RRAR is a Non-Profit & No-Kill Organization

Eden's Puppies
Eden arrived at the shelter in the first week of January, 2017. We received a call about a dog who was giving birth outside at a reservation in the blistering cold. Over 25 degrees below zero, and that's not even including the wind chill, which made it feel more like 50 below! The caller had grabbed the 5 puppies that were already born and quickly brought them to her house. When she went back to get Eden, she had birthed 2 more puppies that froze to death. Eden was mortified! She thought she had lost all of her puppies! But when she was brought back to the caller's home, she was ecstatic to see that the other 5 were still alive! She immediately began nursing them.
Eden arrived at the shelter 3 days later. On top of all the tragic experiences she had already endured, she had also been attacked by a porcupine! A large portion of her face was covered in quills that we had to carefully remove. Her babies also had very hard and frostbitten spots of flesh all over them, but luckily their skin returned to normal as they grew.
Eden and her pups were placed in isolation for the next 6 weeks until they were old enough to be weaned onto normal puppy food. Eden had a very hard time letting go of her babies, but that was to be expected as just 2 months before she had lost 2 of them. Eden was a very calm and loving mother. Whenever she was brought to the front she could smell her babies. Although we felt terrible not letting her see them, if she had she would have started producing milk again and wouldn't be able to be spayed.
Eden was adopted soon after she moved to the adoption floor, and her puppies went soon after. We're extremely grateful to everyone involved in the rescue of Eden and her puppies. Without loving people willing to take the time to help these animals, they would have ended up frozen to death in the wild! Instead they're all happy and healthy in their forever homes!

All kinds of puppies in mama Eden's litter!