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Range Regional Animal Rescue
RRAR is a Non-Profit & No-Kill Organization

Success Stories
Range Regional Animal Rescue Provides new homes for over 500 animals every year! With all those animals coming through, there's sure to be a few that stand out above the rest. Whether it be an animal that was at the shelter for months, ignored by most customers, until that one perfect match finally comes along, or the sole survivor of a litter of kittens born from a feral mother riddled with sickness.
Every animal that comes through our doors, just like any human, has their own personal story that makes them unique. This page is dedicated to some of those stories that still have a special place in our hearts.

Ollie taking a nap in the car.
Little Cheeto playing in the grass as tall as her!

Easter kitty Shamoo is not amused.
Reese's posing with his namesake.

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